The few things that separate science fiction from reality:
Research and development, feasibility studies, cost-benefit analyses,
business plans, project management plans,
marketing plans and investments...
About us
Humans represent one of nature's most complex systems.
We absorb what we eat, drink, breath, and consume.
What our bodies cannot absorb, we release into the environment as waste material.
Through repeated cycles of consumption, exposure, reproduction, and immersion, humans produce
hundreds of trillions of data points over an entire lifetime.
We refer to this seemingly endless flow of data as
the Human Processes Data Chain (HPDC).
The Challenge
The HPDC is simply big data.
The vast majority of big data points
from your own big data chain have never been compiled, much less studied and analyzed.
Our mission is to optimize big data
for healthcare and education.
Our Vision
Using health big data combined with imagination, our vision is to provide person-centered,
home-based innovations.
Joseph S. Bayana
Chief Executive Officer & Chief Innovation Officer
Bayana Corporation
Doctoral candidate
Henley-Putnam School of Strategic Security
National American University