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Our Work

The few things that separate science fiction from reality:

Imagination, innovation, creativity, originality, invention, discovery, research and development, feasibility studies,

cost-benefit analyses, business plans, project management plans, marketing plans. and investments...

building research communities


Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences 

The Research Infrastructure in the Social and Behavioral Sciences focuses on Person-Centered Healthcare Big Data

to collect and study Healthcare Processes Big Data Chains

to be used by the United States in perpetuity.


National Unmanned Aircraft Flyway System (NUAFS or Flyway)

We're inviting 8,000 Unmanned Aircraft Industry Learners Across 4,000 Miles for

The First Annual Unmanned Aircraft (UA)

Transcontinental Test Flights

from Maine to California and Back

Augmented Athletics
Association of America 

What if you used science, technology and engineering
to help people go stronger than stronger,
faster than faster,
higher than higher?

In the business of big data

Healthcare Big Data Ubiquity Bin

You and your Home:

At the Heart of Health Big Data

Healthcare Big Data
from actual, physical, chemical, primary sources

This is not healthcare big data from literature reviews or Large Language Models (LLMs.)

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