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  • takes control of a Drone over a predetermined area and distance.

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  • gets a copy of the Flyway Project Management Plan (FPMP).

  • FPMP tells you everything about Flyway, flight areas, flight corridors, etc.

  • Oversees Pilots, works with other Administrators.

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Flyway needs YOU
to Fly Drones
Across America!

Research Title

Unmanned Aircraft Industry Learners
Across 4,000 Miles:

The First Annual Unmanned Aircraft (UA)
Transcontinental Test Flights

from Maine to California and Back




The National Unmanned Aircraft Flyway System (Flyway) will be built on transcontinental flight paths and corridors that enable civilians to fly UAs from Maine to California and back. For 2024, the Flyway will have a squadron of at least 20 UAs flying in unison to test the system. All UAs will be fully controlled and supervised by Flyway Teams. 

By 2025, the goal is at least 100 UAs across the US, using a proposed permanent Flyway from East Coast to West Coast and back. The emerging technology fields for Flyway include, but are not limited to, crowd- and/or open-sourced innovations in drone technology, materials science and engineering for composites, polymers, and light weight drone parts, UA nanotechnology, sense-and-avoid-systems and sensors for UA cyberinfrastructure, geospatial big/massive data collections, UAs and swarm cybersecurity technologies, UA-dedicated alternative and renewable sources of clean energy, distributed laser-charging, et al.

The emerging technology learning experience(s) to be implemented and evaluated include, but are not limited to, geospatial and geomatics metrics and analytics, crowd- and open-sourced UA flight systems, next-generation safety systems for the FAA and National Airspace System, software and algorithms development for UAs, and UA systems hands-on field research for PreK to 12, tertiary, and higher education students, teachers, faculty, and women- and/or minority-owned small business. 

Flyway will involve at least 15 continental states. â€‹


Intellectual Merit:


Humanity has sent people to the Moon and back, but hardly any civilian UA has flown below 400 feet in Class G (uncontrolled) airspace across the USA.

In 2021, more than 1.7 million UAs were registered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). About 1.2 million UAs were for recreation and the remaining 522,000 were for commercial purposes. Caught in an industry standstill, the civilian UA industry needs exponential growth and an annual push. 

Flyway is meant to stop the UA industry’s race to the bottom.

Even with half a million commercial UAs in various industries (e.g. oil, gas, farming, power lines), the vast majority of UAs are still flying selfie cameras or for hobbyists. Flyway combines the intellect and resources of more than 1.7 million UA aficionados, and their emerging UA and sense-and-avoid-systems and technologies, to bring significant experiential learning activities and opportunities to the UA industry and its learners. 

Caught in an industry standstill, the civilian UA industry needs exponential growth and an industry-wide push. Flyway is meant to stop the UA industry’s race to the bottom. Even with more than 863,728 Drones Registered with the FAA, including commercial UAs in various industries (e.g. oil, gas, farming, power lines), the vast majority of UAs are still flying selfie cameras or used by hobbyists.


(Absolutely, positively, 1000% nothing wrong with selfie cameras or hobbyists).


Flyway combines the intellect and resources of  UA aficionados, and their emerging UA and sense-and-avoid-systems and technologies, to bring significant experiential learning activities and opportunities to UA learners and experts.

The sky’s the limit for the UAV industry but the interconnections of operating areas and lateral corridors are, without your help, not yet in the immediate horizon.


The National Unmanned Aircraft Flyway System (NUAFS or simply FLWAY) is proposed to the American people as a backbone or main artery of UA flight paths all over North America. The FLYWAY seeks to link forty nine states of the continental US, Hawaii, and some provinces of Canada. The FLYWAY also has the potential to link with South America, Asia, and Europe in the very near future.


The FLYWAY is a duly registered business with the state of Virginia.

Broader Impacts:


BC started Flyway with inputs from HBCUs and MSIs in Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, North Carolina, and independent UA users all over the USA.

By 2026, Flyway imagines expanded UA industry development for succeeding generations of STEM workforce and experts for the FAA, Department of Energy, National Guard, Air Force, international UA manufacturers, et al.

Beyond 2026 and beyond Flyway aims for UA flights from California to Asia, Maine to Europe, Illinois to South America, and/or Virginia to Africa.

Intellectual Merit
Broader Impacts
Flyway Video

“Everybody seems to think that it’ll be the government providing the infrastructure; that the government will be doing this, the government will be doing that.


I think you can turn this on its head…


How could industry provide detect and avoid these very small aircraft?


We tend to think it’s the government’s job to extend its service to all altitudes, but perhaps it’s a third party that provides a service that the government can certify.”


Steve Bradford

Chief Scientist - Architecture & NextGEN Development,

Office of the Chief Scientist, ANG-3,

speaking at the AIAA Aviation 2014.

Retrieved from




The National Unmanned Aircraft Flyway System (NUAFS) is a private organization founded in 2014. Simply known as the FLYWAY, our mission is to construct, implement, and maintain the safest and most technologically advanced unmanned aircraft (UA) flight systems in the world.


The FLYWAY's objective is to help individuals and groups from the private and public sectors integrate flight areas, corridors, and paths for UAs. The FLYWAY is a new industry built on the platforms of safety, privacy, preservation and sustainability of the natural environment, job creation, and economic growth.




At present, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) faces significant barriers to safely integrate unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in the national airspace. Unmanned aircrafts range in size from those smaller than a radio-controlled model airplane to those with a wingspan as large as a Boeing 737.


In 2023, the FAA released the following information on Drones by the Numbers:


  • 863,728 Drones Registered

  • 352,222 Commercial Drones Registered

  • 506,635 Recreational Drones Registered

  • 331,573 Remote Pilots Certified

  • 540,788 TRUST Certificates Issued


[Source: Federal Aviation Administration (2023). Drones]


Humanity has sent people to the Moon and back.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been joined by Space X and Blue Origin. Most notably, the reach of military drones are global.

But hardly any civilian UA has flown below 400 feet in Class G (uncontrolled) airspace across the United States.


Joseph S. Bayana

National Unmanned Aircraft Flyway System (NUAFS)



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